Welcome to the Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS) Reprovisioning Programme website. Here we aim to keep the NHSScotland radiology imaging community and other stakeholders informed of the work of the national PACS Reprovisioning Programme.
Since its introduction in 2006, the current PACS has completely replaced the use of film for radiology imaging and is in widespread use across all acute hospital sites in Scotland. It allows radiology images to be automatically transferred and interpreted on a workstation anywhere in the hospital and provides clinicians with the facility to access the full radiology imaging history of any patient, from any one of 15 NHS Boards in Scotland (14 territorial NHS Boards and NHS Golden Jubilee National Hospital, which is also home to the Scottish National Radiology Reporting Service (SNRRS)).
The NHSScotland PACS has over 40,000 users and the national PACS archive currently stores approximately 55 million historic studies. The service has significantly improved the diagnostic capability across Scotland and delivers great benefits to patients, service users and the wider NHS clinical services in both the acute and primary care settings.
As the current PACS contract is coming to an end, there has been a legal requirement to carry out a procurement exercise, which has resulted in Sectra Ltd being awarded the contract. As NHS services change in response to increased pressures, radiology imaging services must also change to ensure alignment with national strategy and the future target operating model for Radiology in Scotland.